Friday 4 December 2015

Planning: Casting For Your Opening

Casting is a very important part of the planning stages as it can have a major impact on our film if we get the casting incorrect. Casting is very important within any film production. We have to carefully select our cast in order to make sure that our opening scene is successful and the cast members follow the characters personality. In the casting process we can analyse whether the actor or actress is capable of taking on the role that we have created. We can do this by filming some footage of the cast members acting out a script and from there we can assess whether they are capable of completing the role. This will be able to highlight the strengths and weaknesses the cast members have. It will also highlight whether the actor or actress is confident enough for the role, which is extremely important. If someone we have selected isn't suitable for the role then the casting process will help us identify this quickly.

Character: Alisha Harold


Alisha is an extremely enthusiastic individual who is very oblivious to the risks of alcohol and camping on her own.

We have selected Alice Piggott to participate in this role as she is an experienced actress because she has completed Drama at GCSE and received an extremely good grade. She is suitable for the role as she is almost 17 and reflects the character very well. She is very confident in front of the camera therefore, she will bring enthusiasm to our opening scene.

Character: Brian Prince

Age: 17

About Brian: Brian is a close friend to Alisha and is also very confident. He likes to make sure that he is the centre of attention most of time. He also never understands the consequences of his actions which is very similar to Alisha which puts more risk on the group.
Jamie is the right person for the role as he is a similar age to the character. His personality is very similar to our character however he can be shy in front of the camera so this may put us at a disadvantage.

Character: William Jones

Age: 17

About William: William is very shy character. He is know to hang back from the group until he knows that it is safe to join if with the activities taking place. He is an experienced camper so is very prepared for his camping trip however it is also his first time drinking alcohol as well so therefore it puts the group at even more risk.
Sam is the correct person for this character as he is the same age as the character and knows a thing or two about camping also. This also means he will benefit the group as he can  deliver realistic scenarios within the group to make the film opening more realistic and believable which was highly requested from our target audience when we received our feedback from our survey.

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