Thursday 3 December 2015

Planning : Target Audience Feedback

Within this post we will be looking at and evaluating the feedback we have gathered from the survey that we have produced. This will help us to see what most people expect in horror film openings. It is important for us to gather lots of different information in order to set up our opening so that it is successful. This can help us to develop more ideas and can help us to make sure we capture the theme of it being a horror.

The picture above shows that everyone who had completed our survey thought that a character should die within the opening of a horror film, this gives us an indication of what to include therefore it will influence us to include a death. This means that we will have to gather the correct codes and conventions to make this expectation successful. 

The age group that we have received our feedback from are the ages 15-18. This means that all of the information we have gathered will be an accurate result of what a teen at that age expects when watching the opening of a horror film. 

From the feedback we received from various people within the same age group as our target audience, we may base our characters ages around the same age group as the audience to attract more teens. 
From what we have received it seems that the majority of people find dark abandoned areas the most frightening setting for a horror film. In our horror film opening we had already decided to film in an abandoned area so therefore this put us at an advantage. This will make our film more scary and frightening.

Our survey has proved that the majority of our target audience prefer a film that is based on a real lie event. This means that people enjoy films when they are more realistic and believable. 

 from the results, we now know that our target audience wish to find out about the storyline at the beginning of the film within the opening scene but a very small amount. This means that we will need to make sure we do not reveal a lot of detailed information as to why things are happening or why they happen at a certain location in order to give the target audience the best experience while watching. 

Our survey has shown that the target audience expect to see the villain/killer in the opening scene. Some people may disagree however the majority of our target audience  wish for this to happen so therefore this helps us when deciding on our final ideas. 

Jump scares and gruesome/bloody scenes within horror film openings are the most popular. This is probably because they excite and make the audience feel a tension at the beginning of the film. Also, it could be due to the audience finding them very realistic which is linking back into the previous questions. 

Judging form the results of our survey, we have discovered that the majority of our target audience enjoy films in which people around the age of 16-21 are featured within and are out and about in abandoned areas.The surveys have shown that people prefer horror films which are based on real life events that give you a slight insight into the story of the whole film but not too much at all. Our survey shows that a lot of people prefer to see the villain in the opening scene. We have found out that the most popular type of horror movies include a lot of jump scares and gruesome, bloody murders. Looking at some of the response feedbacks we have received it seems like people like it when characters go missing and are killed. These surveys are useful as they indicate what is expected by our target audience which means that we can create the most successful opening we can possibly create. 

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